Truth & Intelligence

There are two classes of species when it comes to intelligence: The first class are the extremists who are of two types: There are those who never question the world, and there are those who never question their intelligence. Religious fanatics are of the first type. Ideological fanatics such as Richard Dawkins and the atheists, … More Truth & Intelligence

Timed & Veiled

Past and future veil God from our sight; burn up both of them with fire. How long wilt thou be partitioned by these segments, like a reed? So long as a reed is partitioned, it is not privy to secrets, nor is it vocal in response to lip and breathing. Jalal-uddin Rumi

The Shadow of The Philosopher

Maurice Merleau-Ponty was a French phenomenologist of the highest rank. Phenomenology as founded by Edmund Husserl and defined by him as “The return to things themselves” preserved its original strength and intention only in the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, while others such as Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt, though offered important and enlightening phenomenological researches, eclipsed the … More The Shadow of The Philosopher

The Holy Gaze

World is a mirage in the gaze of the Onlooker. This world! This world is nothing but the gaze trapped in the maze of its own making. What is is truth dreaming it is man seeking the truth. The seeker must at once free the gaze that is entangled in its own fantasy, the world. … More The Holy Gaze

Quantum Physics & Nonduality

Nondual Perspectives on Quantum Physics reveals the common thread running through science, philosophy, and spirituality, the main three paths aiming at a knowledge of ultimate reality. Introducing the most advanced representatives of these disciplines in non-technical language I show how they all point to one and the same underlying principle: The manifest arises from the vibrations … More Quantum Physics & Nonduality

Who Am I

A fascinating talk by Swami Sarvapriyananda about “Who am I?” through understanding who I am not.

Defining God

Swami Sarvapriyananda is a young monk of Ramakrishna Order in India famous for his lucid and simple method of describing the essentials of religion and spiritual life. He belongs to the Advaita Vedanta school of Hinduism and gives frequent talks on the subject. He has given many lectures, including a Ted Talk, all available on … More Defining God