Love invites

When your mind is set on something, the universe will take you to it. When your heart is set on something, the universe will bring it to you. Mind makes stone monuments; love breaks through them. Love hurts, but it hurts only the walls and barriers and not what’s beyond them. Mind breaks and love … More Love invites

Otherworldly immortality isn’t good enough; I wanna stick around here

I woke up this morning too early and couldn’t go back to sleep. I woke up into a deep and still sadness. I’m so sad that things have to end. I always hated that. As a child, I hated the end of parties when everyone had to leave. I hated the end of family trips. … More Otherworldly immortality isn’t good enough; I wanna stick around here

Science admits: Big Bang hasn’t happened yet and you are not real

None of what you see is real. According to the law of quantum theory, our universe is only real from the inside. For an outsider, it cannot have happened yet. You can step outside of the universe and see for yourself. For real! Meditation will take you there if you do it right and enough. … More Science admits: Big Bang hasn’t happened yet and you are not real