Exploring Authenticity: Perspectives from Jungian Psychology, Heideggerian Philosophy, and Sufism

Rumi, a renowned Sufi poet, emphasized the importance of love and the heart in the quest for authenticity. For Sufis, the heart is the center of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Authentic living involves purifying the heart, detaching from external identifications, and seeking a deeper connection with the divine. Divinity in its pure, metaphysical form is nothing but the living, eternal present, the indeterminate Being. … More Exploring Authenticity: Perspectives from Jungian Psychology, Heideggerian Philosophy, and Sufism

The Shadow of The Philosopher

Maurice Merleau-Ponty was a French phenomenologist of the highest rank. Phenomenology as founded by Edmund Husserl and defined by him as “The return to things themselves” preserved its original strength and intention only in the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, while others such as Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt, though offered important and enlightening phenomenological researches, eclipsed the … More The Shadow of The Philosopher