You Are The Maze

Fear not my friend. Go where you have to go; do what you have to do.

Nothing is ever lost, nothing is ever gained. You are the light of the world. How can you ever be worldly?

You are already enlightened. God damn it, act like it.

Don’t strive to find the truth. Remember that you are the truth.

You can never know something that you don’t already know. You can never become something that you aren’t already.

You thirsty friend, wake up and see that you are the ocean.

You are deluded into thinking that you are a separate self. If that were true, then how could you know what is separation!

Separate things can never find each other unless they are found in relation to a whole. You are that whole. You appear both as parts and as whole.

You are not what you’re told to be; you are that which is at liberty to accept or deny what it’s told to be.

You’re not what you believe; you are the holder of all beliefs. Let go of all beliefs and see your true face for the fist time.

You’re forever undefined, for you are that which defines. You are forever free, for you are that which binds.

O’ man, you master chain-maker! Your bondage is of your own making. You are the architect of your own prison.

Don’t seek to get out of this maze of a world; see that you are the mazed and the maze at once.

Don’t seek to find and define yourself. Seek the seeker. See the seer.

3 thoughts on “You Are The Maze

    1. dear madame thanks.what can i say ?the Veda start with Harihi OM and end with Harihi Om. the post is the maze for those who love world and objects and way out of it for those who wants their true identity. let us simply adore Tomajji and repay him by knowing the truth envisaged in his posts.

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