Pursuit of Our Dreams

There is nothing that cannot be achieved through concentration.

In all esoteric traditions in which the aspirant is initiated into the way for the attainment of truth the most important requirement is the intense longing for the goal. It and it alone if held with consistency brings about the result.

This though first appearing as a mystery turns out to be a universal structure of consciousness. Intense longing does not actually create a result; the result, the goal, is always there in the universe but only potentially. Intense longing is rather a ritual on the part of seeker to show the extent to which it gives itself to the goal, a ritual for winning her heart; and the extent to which we give ourselves to the goal the goal gives itself to us.

Intense longing is no mere curiosity, no hobby, no entertainment. I should long for the goal to the extent that I can no more imagine myself being separate from it. Thus, intense longing is a demand on our part, or more precisely the display of our demand, from the universe of pure potentiality. The goal is always already inside the aspirant in the seed form; to desire this goal is to feed it, to take care of it, to watch it 24/7, and to become the protective fence around it. The seed cannot but grow, for it is its nature to grow wherever there is fertile soil. To attain a dream we should become the fertile soil for it.

The pursuit of a dream is our spiritual response to a calling. Although it appears that we choose and seek the dream, it is in fact the dream that seeks us; it is pure potentiality that wants to be actualized in and through us, thus it calls upon us. Being pure potentiality the dream always appears in the form of an idea. Idea wants to be realized and it chooses you for this realization. Dream, thus, is a call from the ideal universe upon us so we take the ideal and make it into the real. The key behind this process is intense longing.

There is always a world against us and the pursuit of our dream; but this is precisely where the longing comes in; this is itself a test to see if we are worthy of a dream and its realization. The goal has to see if we choose the world or it. To attain to the goal we must always choose the goal no matter what the other options are. This is a filtering process through which the dream picks only those who would give everything for it. The choice of the world is the force of inertia in us; we are naturally inclined to accept the choice of the mass or at least shake in the face of it. But the mass never really makes a choice. Mass is made of individuals; each one of them chooses based on the choice of the others, but the others too choose based on the choice of some others, etc. Thus, the others that make the choice are really anonymous. It is this anonymity that is used by the corporate power who makes the choice of the mass without them even knowing it; it appears to people that they make their choices but the very criteria based on which choices are made are always anonymous and simply accepted. The average man is in fact anonymous; he is no one, for its individuality is not his own, though it is made to appear so. He doesn’t live the life of any body, though the illusion is give to him that he is someone, perhaps even a celebrity worst of all. The celebrity is he/she who is chosen by the mass of fans; but the fans’ choice is determined by the anonymous others mentioned above. Therefore, there is no life and no individuality except in the case of a dreamer who constantly chooses the dream over everything else, even with the price of being a nobody within the context of the accepted world.

Dreaming is always scorned by the many; we hear a lot from them, “be real.” Ironically their reality is a one defined and chosen by other dreamers! Your dreaming is a threat to the mundane lives of the anonymous men and women of the mass. But whenever there is someone around us, and there always is, who is threatened by our dreams he/she is the someone that should not be in our life. This itself, the choosing of our dream over the ones who belittle it, is another display of our desire for the attainment of them goal, and hence a necessary step toward the end. It doesn’t matter whether those who undermine the dignity of our dreams are relatives, family members, wives or husbands or children or parents; they have to go if the dream matters at all.

To choose a dream is not just the entertainment of an idea; to choose a dream is to choose everything that is harmonious with it and choose to leave behind everything that is against it. Relationships are conventional; dreams are universal.

Truth became man so that man may become the truth.

7 thoughts on “Pursuit of Our Dreams

    1. He put it so great; it is indeed untruth. But he was always too difficult for me. I couldn’t grasp the central idea of his works. I mean is there any “ism” to which he can be related? Some say he is the father of existentialism, but I don’t know. I just read F&T and few parts of either/or. I loved his literary style which is seen in Dosteyovsky also.


  1. This line “Relationships are conventional; dreams are universal.” really speaks to me. But, I have found that for me being in a relationship was my spiritual path. I still have my dreams and am actualizing them but I needed to be grounded in order to blossom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Relationships when they are not against the dream are part of it, and hence part of the universal. In that sense they are crucial and part of the path exactly as you mentioned. 🙂


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