Addiction to the World

Man is addicted to the world. Modernism was the last enabler. Postmodernism is the leading cause of man’s overdose on world.

Postmodernism is man’s rock bottom; it is the lowest we could ever go; it is the ultimate demise of the intellect whose worst symptom is the now fashionable atheism. Postmodernism is where man would do whatever it takes to get a fix; values are so low that Justin Bieber has more followers than you do and I have more followers than god does.

It is only in such a rotted state of affairs that an idiot like Richard Dawkins has as many fans as Kardashians. Let this tell you something about these hypocrite fans of science who have found the elixir to transform their insecurity into pride, inward ignorance into outward arrogance, misunderstanding into understanding, atheism into fact.

Soon man is going to overdose on world, thus opening the way for the coming of the overman, one who neither affirms nor denies but asserts and makes it so, for he is none other than truth itself.

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